Have questions about the project? We can’t imagine one that isn’t answered in the chapters and appendixes of this document, which was released by the Federal Transit Administration on June 14 and now sits somewhere in the governor’s office awaiting her review.
We’ve included a couple screen shots from the DVD with the FEIS and video guide; you can order one at no charge by contacting the project hotline, 566-2299.
We used the graphic at the top today just because it’s so colorful, but the one below answers the often-heard question, “What good will rail do me if I don’t live close to a station?” As the graphic suggests, driving to the nearest rail station and taking the train from there could shave a ton of time off your commute.
Even those who don’t ride the train and continue to drive to work will derive a benefit from rail because so many others will have chosen to ride. Something like 40,000 cars will be removed from the roads and highways when rail is built, and Oahu traffic congestion in 2030 will be reduced by 18 percent.
If you want to know more, pack your laptop with the picnic gear and amaze your companions with what you've learned about Honolulu rail. Have fun with it. Create a quiz on rail and award silly prizes. After all, it’s the weekend!
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